
Why should you play hockey?

Whether you have set yourself fitness goals for the new year or are simply looking to try something new, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to consider playing hockey. 

Hockey can help you to improve your physical fitness.

There are various benefits of playing hockey that is linked to your physical health. For example, as you are required to be on your feet and moving around for the entire game, you’ll notice that your stamina and endurance levels increase dramatically. You’ll also notice that you gain quite a lot of strength. Furthermore, playing hockey regularly could also be instrumental in healthy weight loss due to the fact that playing on average, hockey players burn approximately 660 calories an hour.

Hockey makes you work as part of a team. 

When playing hockey, you’ll find that the bond you share with your team extends far beyond the fact you’re wearing matching hockey clothing. This is due to the fact that during practice, you’ll begin to learn more about each other and the way you play – helping you take down your competitors when it comes to matches. During this time, you’ll find that your mutual interest in the sport helps you to become close friends. Furthermore, playing as a part of a team means you’ll always have some to turn to when you need a bit of motivation, support, or even guidance on how you can further hone your skills. 

You get to spend more time outdoors.

While some matches are played indoors, you’ll likely find that you spend a lot more time outdoors when you make hockey part of your daily routine. This is great news, as there are many studies that explore the scientific benefits of spending time outdoors, especially when participating in sporting activities. In fact, did you know that being outdoors and in natural light encourages your body to produce more serotonin? This is the hormone that makes us feel happy or excited – meaning that playing hockey could also be good for our mental health and happiness. In some ways, playing sports may be comparable to consuming Bluebird Botanicals CBD products. Cannabidiol gummies boost the production of anandamide, one of the body’s naturally-occurring cannabinoids. Anandamide regulates other chemicals in the brain, including serotonin and dopamine. Moreover, CBD may work by interacting with serotonin receptors of the brain, thus alleviating the symptoms of depression.

Hockey could help you to improve your focus.

Believe it or not, playing sports can make your brain more efficient. This is due to the fact that when playing hockey, it’s imperative that you are able to focus on the game at hand and pay attention to whatever is happening on the pitch. This is because it’s an incredibly fast-paced game where you need to be able to think on your feet. However, the more you practice this skill, the easier you’ll find it to focus on other areas of your life, too – including the workplace. Furthermore, playing hockey is a great way to shake off any negative feelings of stress and anger in your daily life due to the fact that it gives you a healthy outlet for your emotions. As a result, you’ll likely feel much calmer and more focused whenever you step off the pitch – which is also great news for your focus and productivity levels. 

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